
Special Offers

Special Offers / SALE

Here you can find individual items price reduced. - First class items at second hand prices.

There are various reasons why a top product becomes a special offer. An obvious example are the exhibition items: No one has slept on those, but their cases get ever so slightly shopworn, so when something in our showroom gets swapped out we put it here for 25-35% off. Most of the time however it's because of erroneous orders or last minute cancellations … continue reading

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  1. Futons 7
  2. Beds 2
  3. Bed Slats 6
  4. Others 7
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18 Items

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  1. Summer Duvet - Cotton - 160x210cm

    Regular Price from €180.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €99.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Clearance sale, act now!
    Only a few remaining items due to change of supplier.

    at least 30 % off

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  2. Duo Duvet - Merino wool - 155x220cm

    Regular Price from €264.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €129.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Clearance sale, act now!
    Only a few remaining items due to change of supplier.

    at least 30 % off

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  3. (N523) Zen R2+6 Cocos, 80x180cm

    Regular Price from €344.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €240.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    From our annual inventory, in good as new condition.

    30% off. Available immediately.

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  4. (R482) Topper W4 (Merino wool), 200x200cm

    Regular Price from €478.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €375.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Individual piece from short-term revocation, quality controlled by us. Good as new.

    more than 20% off. Immediately available.

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  5. (R517) Natural Hair-Topper Horsehair, 180x200cm

    Regular Price from €720.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €600.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Good as new individual piece with horse tail hair and organic cotton,
    also a natural addition for box spring beds.
    From a short-term revocation, quality controlled by us.

    more than 15% off. Available for immediate delivery.

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  6. (N526) Zen R3+8 Hosrsehair, 140x210cm

    Regular Price from €827.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €600.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Over produced therefore completely new.

    more than 25% off. Available Immediately.

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  7. (N525) Zen R3+8 Horsehair, 120x200cm, with washable cover

    Regular Price from €811.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €648.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Cancelled before delivery due to order change.

    20% off. Available immediately.

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  8. (L262) Futon Sofa EINS, beech 140 x 220 cm

    Regular Price from €779.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €599.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Wood type: beech, untreated
    2 leftover extralong piece in storage (dated 19.11.)
    if orderable -> still available

    more than 20% off

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  9. (A519) Bed Ikara, Red Beech, 140x200cm

    Regular Price from €1,675.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €1,250.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Exhibition piece, with very slight discolouration on a foot, otherwise perfect condition.

    25% off. Available immediately.

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  10. (L473) Vlexbasis subframe for beds without lateral support, 90x200cm

    Regular Price from €128.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €89.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Single item from warehouse inventory

    more than 20 % off

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  11. (N200) Framed Slats 4 cm, 80x220cm

    Regular Price from €189.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €124.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Solid lime wood - extra long
    Good as new

    33% off

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  12. (N387) Framed Slats 4 cm - 120x200cm

    Regular Price from €236.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €149.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    We currently have a few too many framed slats in 120x200 cm in stock

    On offer at the price of roll-up slats

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  13. (A511) Framed Slats, Linden 4cm, 140x200cm (2x 70x200cm)

    Regular Price from €316.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €250.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Exhibition piece with few small signs of wear.

    20% off. Immediately available.

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  14. (A518) Framed Slats 8cm, 140x200cm

    Regular Price from €348.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €260.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    From our exhibition, minimal signs of wear, with additional bar to compensate for the distance to a possible center bar (= additional stabilization)

    25% off. Available immediately.

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  15. (N375) Slatted Frame ErgoVlex - Original - 120x200cm

    Regular Price from €739.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €499.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Ergovlex Original for maximal comfort
    warehouse sale

    15% off

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  16. (L247) Satin Fitted Sheet, 80x200cm

    Regular Price from €46.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €30.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    suitable for mattress heights up to approx. 24 cm
    warehouse sale

    20 % off

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  17. (L249) Satin Fitted Sheet, 120x200cm

    Regular Price from €57.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €30.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    suitable for mattress heights up to approx. 24 cm
    warehouse sale

    20 % off

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  18. (L534) Merino pillow 450g fleece, 40x60cm

    Regular Price from €49.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.
    Special Price from €39.00 i If you pay by bank transfer, you will receive a 3% discount and can benefit from further discounts.

    Leftover stock, because of model change

    20% off.

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18 Items

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Erroneous orders are Futons that come back immediately, because a customer has ordered the wrong size or type or anything like that. It remained untouched in its packaging and is therefore good as new, it just has already made an extra trip with our delivery vehicle. These get depending on size between 10% and 20% off.
The same is true for internal errors, i.e. accidental duplicates or wrongly sized wares, and for orders that were canceled last minute between fabrication and delivery. We don't just leave them lying in storage until the next customer orders those sizes, but put them here marked 10% to 20% off.

Returns -products that were delivered and used for a few days, but didn't fit the customer- happen thanks to our individual consultations only rarely. For such futons, we generally replace the casing and also the wool layer should it not look flawless. Once it is 100% good as new, we put it here with the priced reduced by 20% to 30%, since it's not 100% new.

Then there are also our sustainables. All our products are made with high environmental sustainability in mind, especially those in which we make use of offcuts, for example turning three 50cm pieces into one 150cm piece. This prevents wasting valuable materials and doesn't impact quality at all! No one throws out such material pieces (were not talking about scrap shavings, but bigger cuts like 25x200cm), generally they get used everywhere. We declare it because we feel an obligation to product transparency and offer 10% to 20% off, depending on size and kind of product.

This page is updated irregularly, it may be that some deals are already sold.